Elementary mathematical equation divides adults and everyone finds 2 different solutions

Can you solve this viral mathematical equation? A new mathematical "puzzle" has come to divide the internet this time as well

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Can you solve this viral mathematical equation?

A new mathematical "puzzle" has come to divide the internet and this time it is a level… elementary equation.

Although the equation seems very simple, internet users were so confused that this mathematician puzzle ended up going viral.

In this math puzzle, nine out of ten gave the wrong answer.

But what is the right answer? Most gave the answer number 1, but this is completely wrong.

Think about the answer and see the solution a little below, right after the video that follows…

The solution of the puzzle

The sequence of actions is what will determine the result. A series of actions is always preceded by the actions in parentheses. So the act of addition in parentheses precedes -> 2 + 1 = 3

Επομένως έχουμε 6/2*(2+1)=6/3*3

Multiplication and division have the same priority so the rule here is that operations are done one by one from left to right. Therefore 6/2 = 3 and we have 6/2 * 3 = 3 * 3 so our final operation is the multiplication 3 * 3 = 9

It wasn't that hard, was it?


via: Enimerotiko