The padlock, the penis and the x-ray that left the doctors speechless


A strange incident sees the light of day

A strange case from southeast China is published by the British Daily Mail. According to her, a man arrived at the hospital in horrible pain and showed the doctors where the problem was located.

The man's penis, the details of which have not been revealed, was swollen as he had put a small padlock in his urethra, which "traveled" to his bladder and got stuck there.

According to Daily Mail, the man put the padlock inside his penis at his home in Fuzhou. As he told the doctors who looked at him in astonishment, "I have a habit of playing and dealing with my molecule often." However, this does not explain how he got to the point from the game to put a padlock in his penis.

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A neurosurgeon said that surgery would be needed to remove the padlock and that as the x-rays showed "there is no further risk to his health".