The astrological predictions of Friday 28 September 2018



Today you are determined to get the increase you want at work or to settle your financial issues for this and your mind is looking for ways to achieve it! The Moon is still in Taurus and focuses your interest on money as if you gain more you will feel more confident. The triangle he will form with Pluto from Capricorn will strengthen your stubbornness and will help you achieve what you want. Today it is not excluded that you have a professional success or promotion which will be accompanied by the corresponding financial impact.

Today it will be difficult to set a goal and not achieve it so you can channel your will to an issue that concerns you and is related to your partner. If you are free you have a way of making your presence felt in the one you like.


The Moon is still in your sign and causing you emotional upheaval. Your mood will be felt first of all in your own people and in those you will associate with today on a personal and professional level. The triangle he will form with Pluto from Capricorn will help you regain your self-confidence and not be influenced by external factors, but this will be a double-edged sword. Do not let your egocentric behavior affect your interpersonal relationships and take advantage of the persuasion and will you have to lure others into your plans.

Today it will be easy for you to convince your partner of something you want but be careful as you can lose a little bit of moderation and become absolute. If you are free, show your good qualities in a recent acquaintance as you will have a way to charm her.


Today, it is very likely that your thoughts will create obstacles in your plans and aspirations, as a result of which you will see the glass half empty and not half full. The Moon is still in Taurus and creates insecurities that will come to the fore in the form of anxiety which will make you quite procrastinating, even with simple daily obligations. The triangle he will form with Pluto from Capricorn will help you regain your confidence as you will see it as a bet with yourself. Today you can achieve anything you want and that is what you need to focus on.

Today you will be able to listen to your partner before he even speaks to you, and this is a gift that if you take advantage you will be able to really understand what he will not tell you. If you are single, a new acquaintance can start with emotional intensity and this will arouse your interest.


Another day during which you will look for your friends as in the last few days you will have noticed that a coffee or a phone with them are able to set your mood. The Moon is still in Taurus and the triangle it forms with Pluto from Capricorn will help you understand the moods of the people around you intuitively. This is a gift, which if you take advantage you can understand which people are worth being near you. You can still take advantage of the day that favors you to make new alliances in personal and professional matters!

Today it will be easy to understand your partner and his needs intuitively without wasting time and this can help communication between you. If you are free / a new acquaintance will start with good moods through your friendly environment.


Your need for social promotion will be what you want today as the Moon is still in Taurus and creates the need to make your presence felt. The triangle that will form with Pluto from Capricorn will be helpful to achieve your goal as you will make the right moves intuitively, especially in your professional matters. Listen to your second thoughts and do not proceed with anything if you feel that something "bothers" you. What you need to do is consciously avoid underground movements as they will not help you, even if you believe otherwise.

Today it is very likely that you will be carried away by your professional issues with the result that your partner comes second, but you will certainly find a way to calm him / her down. If you are free, a new acquaintance can start in your professional environment but will develop with "unprofessional" passion.


The day favors engaging in educational topics, seminars and certifications as the Moon that is still in Taurus thirsts for knowledge and information. The triangle that will form with Pluto from Capricorn is also favorable for your emotional issues as it will bring people close to you who are interested in you on a personal level. Today, through the knowledge you have, it will be easy to open conversations and magnetize your interlocutor. Take advantage of this gift to make your presence felt in the people you want, but also to make new interesting acquaintances.

Today it will be easy to convince your partner about issues related to travel and studies as you will have the right argument at the right time, so if there is something pending it is the right day to settle. If you are single, a new acquaintance will motivate you to flirt!


Today it is possible that you do not feel at your best as worries arising from financial issues and emotional insecurities will upset you. The Moon is still in Taurus and asks you questions about insurance, loans and pending issues with the public sector. The triangle that will form with Pluto from Capricorn will help you find a way to arrange them as it will make you fearless and very daring! But be careful not to get carried away, as you may take some financial risks which, while you are sure that they will work out for you, will not go as you think.

Today is a good and romantic day for you and your partner, so take advantage of the mood you will have and spend time exclusively with both of you. If you are free, an erotic adventure will make your day as it will increase your libido.


Your interpersonal relationships are still at the forefront as the Moon in Taurus finds a way to bring issues related to your partners and partner to the forefront. The triangle that will form with Pluto from Capricorn will help you set the right priorities and your priority must be yourself. Do not hesitate to say some no today as some of them will be saviors. If you do not then it will be easy to get into a difficult position with something that your loved one will ask you.

Today it will be easy to create the atmosphere you want in the relationship with your partner as you will be a "calm force" and this will give you a strong lead in whatever you want to do. If you are free you should remember that today you can seduce the one you want.


The Moon is still in Taurus and helps you to arrange tasks and obligations which are not difficult, but they are enough and will monopolize your time. The triangle that will form with Pluto from Capricorn will give you stubbornness, will and endurance in order to be able to accomplish whatever you want. Be careful as this aspect is favorable, but it can make you go beyond your limits and strain your body even unwittingly. So do not overdo it as exhaustion lurks and is a possible scenario of the day!

Today you want to show your partner that you do not need his / her help and you can do anything on your own, but this will make you tired for no reason. If you are free do not show off your work skills in a romantic date, as there will definitely be much more interesting things to show!


Today, when the Moon is still in Taurus, you are still favored as in one way or another it will lift your mood and give you opportunities to spend a beautiful day. These opportunities will increase exponentially if you choose to associate with people who lift your spirits. The triangle that will form with Pluto in your zodiac sign, will help you immediately find activities and people who can charge your batteries and focus there. The trap of the day is the competitive mood that you can feel even towards your loved ones, creating a strange atmosphere.

Today you will have the way to make your partner hang from your lips and he can not spoil you for this reason, take advantage of the circumstances to your advantage! If you are single, a stormy love affair is likely to start on an outing.


Today it is possible that there are some issues that you need to look at and are related to household chores as well as issues of your family people. The Moon is still in Taurus and the triangle it forms with Pluto from Capricorn will make you see everything you have to settle like a bet you have to win. Because of this it is possible to get passionate about anything you need to do today. If there is something that is more important, give priority to it in order to properly channel the energy and passion that you have.

Today you will have the way to actually help your partner in an issue that concerns him / her, so it is a good idea to channel your energy there as it will take place. If you are free, your ability to understand the mood of someone towards you will help you in your emotional choices.


Contacts with the people around you continue at a steady pace as you do not want to keep your thoughts and anxieties just for you and you will prefer to share them! The Moon is still in Taurus and the triangle that it will form with Pluto from Capricorn, will give you excellent humor and mood for self-sarcasm which will bring you to the center and will make you the soul of the company! The people around you will start to grow as your personality will not go unnoticed! Your persuasive ability will be increased today by adding other points to your confidence and popularity.

Today you will have the way to make your partner embrace your views and this will help you resolve an issue that has arisen and has brought disagreements between you. If you are free, your presence and your humor will catch the attention of the one you want!

Source: The zodiac signs today by Smaro Sotiraki from