Downloading winter clothes? The 5 steps to have an organized and clean wardrobe for the whole winter

The time has come, where we have to take down the winter clothes by doing a clean-up so that we have a clean and organized wardrobe. 

katevazete cheimoniatika ta 5 vimata gia na echete organomeni kai kathari ntoylapa gia olo ton cheimona TIPS FOR WARDROBE ORGANIZATION, WINTER CLOTHES

The time has come, where we have to download them winter clothes and to raise the summer ones, making one at the same time clearing, so that we have clean and organized closet.

First, in order to organize your wardrobe and keep the clothes, which you will definitely wear, a good clearing should be done.

The steps for organizing and storing summer clothes

First, a clearing should be done first. Empty your entire closet and take a close look at the clothes you'll be taking out. When was the last time you wore that pair of jeans you loved in 2010? If the answer is "in 2011," it's time to say goodbye. Any clothes you no longer need can be donated to people who need them.

organized closet

Step two. Don't be in a hurry to get all the short-sleeves up in the loft. Many of them can also be worn in winter, under a cardigan or a jacket. The same applies to dresses and skirts that "raise" the combination with tights. So separate the clothes that you want to keep in your wardrobe during the winter as well.

Perhaps the most important step is all the summer clothes that will be stored, they should be spotlessly clean so that no odors are transferred to the rest of the clothes. You can then fold them, possibly buying different clothes storage cases, in order to keep them organized.

katevazete cheimoniatika ta 5 vimata gia na echete organomeni kai kathari ntoylapa gia olo ton cheimona 1 TIPS FOR WARDROBE ORGANIZATION, WINTER CLOTHES

How to organize your winter clothes

For winter clothes, start by separating your clothes into those destined for the drawer and those that need to be hung to stay wrinkle-free. To save space in your drawers, but also to find everything more easily, get special cases, which will keep everything tidy.

What if your closet still doesn't hold what you have to give it? Maybe it's time to add one more. To keep costs low and tidiness high, prefer a portable fabric wardrobe with a metal frame, which will multiply the space you have available.


via: Enimerotiko