Xylofagos High School: Won the third prize in the Radio Message and Song Competition

Another success of Xylofagos Regional High School

Screenshot 4 7 Xylophago High School, Student Competition, SONG

Another success of Xylofagos Regional High School.

Xylofagos High School, with the participation of the song "I want to be your friend" by Kyriaki Konstantinou (Grad 1) and Music teacher Sofianos Charalambidis, won the 3rd place in the Student Radio Message and Song Contest "Kando n'akousti 2024".

The school won one of 3 contracts from a record company to promote and re-perform the song.

438830162 946903244111716 8145781761321724075 n Xylophagou High School, Student Competition, SONG 438891924 946949984107042 7371697442175850991 n Xylophagou High School, Student Competition, SONG 438899818 946950000773707 1235284933129291719 n Xylophagou High School, Student Competition, SONG