What will happen to your clothes if you put baking soda in the washing machine

Baking soda: It may seem paradoxical, but if you add baking soda and detergent, the clothes come out brighter and whiter.

7 exypnes chriseis tis mageirikis sodas sto plyntirio roychon 3 ΚΟΛΠΑ, πλύτηριο, ΣΟΔΑ

Baking soda: It may seem paradoxical, but if you add soda and detergent, the clothes come out brighter and whiter. It mainly concerns colored clothes. Many people wonder what baking soda is as a material. It is a natural deodorant and cleanser. It also softens the water - which means you need less detergent. It is also ideal for keeping your washing machine clean.

Baking soda: Here are seven washing machine tricks

- White and light colored: Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash along with the detergent. It will whiten them more and remove all odors.

7 exypnes chriseis tis mageirikis sodas sto plyntirio roychon ΚΟΛΠΑ, πλύτηριο, ΣΟΔΑ

- Acids: Acid stains on clothes can be caused by various things, including: antioxidant for siphons, battery acid, toilet cleaner, vomit, urine. Rinse stains quickly and apply baking soda to neutralize the acid. If the acid has dried, use baking soda again before washing it in the washing machine.

- Markers: If your clothes have stains from markers and paints, there is hope to remove… art from them. Wash clothes in very hot water and add ½ cup baking soda.

7 exypnes chriseis tis mageirikis sodas sto plyntirio roychon 1 ΚΟΛΠΑ, πλύτηριο, ΣΟΔΑ

- Old linen: Baking soda is ideal to remove stains that have been created due to age. Because it is a natural cleanser, you can trust your old linens to make them whiter and brighter.

The rest of the tricks for the washing machine

- Softens clothes: Instead of using fabric softener, add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash. It works as a natural emollient and is ideal for those who have allergies to washing machine chemicals.

- Smells: Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash and you will see the smells from the clothes disappear. Try it on fitness clothes, damp towels, and swimsuits that smell of chlorine. If your clothes smell of sweat or smoke, you can let them soak in a soda solution (ie soda with water) at night and wash them the next day.

7 exypnes chriseis tis mageirikis sodas sto plyntirio roychon 2 ΚΟΛΠΑ, πλύτηριο, ΣΟΔΑ

- Washing machine: Use baking soda to wash the inside of your washing machine. If there is any stain inside your bucket (even stuck chewing gum!), Make a soda paste and water and rub it gently. You will be amazed at how easily it will go away!
