What will happen to your clothes if you put a ball of aluminum foil in the washing machine?

A ball of aluminum foil is an inexpensive and natural solution to keep clothes in their original condition.

pire mia mpala aloyminocharto kai tin evale sto plyntirio roychon to apotelesma den echete dei pio astraftera roycha 1 GLITTER CLOTHES, ALUMINUM FOIL BALL

A foil ball is an inexpensive and natural solution to keep clothes in their original condition.

When we want to keep an item of clothing as it was the first day we bought it, apart from not wearing it and keeping it in our closet, there is another, smarter solution.

How to make your clothes sparkle with a ball of aluminum foil

The process is simple. Cut a small piece of aluminum foil (a bit larger than you would need to cover a plate for example) and crumple it in the palm of your hand, tightly, trying to make a ball.

Put the ball in the washing machine, at the time of washing, together with the clothes.

Η foil ball it will prevent static electricity and keep the texture of fabrics in their original state while making ironing a breeze.

Foil ball for glitter clothes


via: Enimerotiko