Angeliki Iliadi: "I try to calm my nerves" (vid)

Angeliki Iliadis divorced Savvas Gentsoglou two months ago, while when asked about how she reacted when she read the posts that want him to have a relationship with Vicky Kavoura, the singer

ageliki iliadi savas gentzogloy 2862015 like, Angeliki Iliadi, VIKY KAVOURA

Angeliki Iliadis divorced Savvas Gentsoglou two months ago, while when asked how she reacted when she read the posts that want him to have a relationship with Vicky Kavoura, the singer replied: "I did not react much because I knew him for several months that they were related ".

Vicky Kavoura said, among other things: "If I comment on the issue, I will get involved in situations that I do not understand for what purpose they serve. Informatively, however, let me tell you that I am the character that if I realized that we are two women and a man in the same relationship, I would take this woman and we would go out to say them and find them. I love women and I would not hurt anyone. I can be tougher with men "and he said that if he knew things, he would go for coffee with Angeliki.

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Angeliki, in turn, said on the camera of the show "Happy": "I will not comment on that either, I do not drink a lot of coffee lately because I try to calm my nerves a little.

And my doctor, my psychotherapist, has forbidden me to drink a lot of coffee.

I have started psychotherapy, because unfortunately in the last months I have faced panic attacks quite often… ".

The fight between Kavoura and Iliadis continues!

Watch the video below!
