Aristotle - Evangelou: The background of the transfer and the "no" (BINTEO)

23364939 10215055965782414 1671214141 n TASOS EVANGELOU, CHRISTINA ARISTOTLE

Today on the show "With love Christiana ” seems to have remembered the old.

In the context of the discussion between the rival Liaga - Hungarian and the decision of the latter not to follow his friend but to accept the professional proposal of his channel, Christiana Aristotelous and Tassos Evangelou found many commonalities about their own cooperation, with the panel's views diverging.

Tassos asked Christiana to answer him on air if she felt betrayed that she did not follow her to Alpha Cyprus.

See what Christiana Aristotelous answered, what was said between them at the time of the announcement of the decision but also how Tasos "nailed" the background of the transfer of Harry Papatheocharous, Barbara Zachariou and Andris Athanassiou.

Because as long as the "hidden secrets" backstage pass, they will come to light…

