Christiana Aristotelous: See her without a trace of makeup posing uncomplicated


Christiana Aristotelous is the most glamorous presence of television life in Cyprus. Her dazzling appearances and her daily appearances confirm the fact.

But the beauty and "star" that hides every glamorous woman does not always need makeup, treatments and appearances in the hair. Most of the time, everyday beauty is what wins over the world and especially the male population.

As long as you do not have a complex… and Christiana has not and has shown it many times. Besides, it does not need much plastering to be beautiful. (as my grandmother says).

She has given us many moments behind the cameras, without or with a minimal trace of care, always with a bright smile and a spontaneity of a real star that makes her just as bright.  

She is the girl next door and shares her daily life as she is without filters, thus proving her authenticity.

Dress casually and take off your lipstick Christiana….

Enjoy her!

