Despina Vandi: Revealed the secrets of her diet - What foods did she cut?


Despina Vandi is one of the sexiest singers and despite being close to 50, she maintains the glow and body of a 25-year-old.

The favorite singer in an interview with People, revealed her secrets, what new in terms of nutrition has brought to her life in recent months and her response to rumors of anorexia.

You are always fit. You used to exercise a lot, for a while you were very thin, they had come to say that you have anorexia.

I have never had anorexia! My problem was my appetite - and that's healthy. Now, I do not exercise the way I did, I have neither the time nor the strength. I do pilates and a circular aerobic program three times a week. It is not only exercise that brings results, diet plays an even more important role. The hours you eat and what you eat. As you grow older your metabolism changes. The other day a lady came to the dressing room at the theater and asked me: "Mrs. Vandi, what are you eating?". I explained to her that I eat everything, but in moderation. I will make my pies too, but I will eat a piece.

So you have not excluded something from your diet.

For several months now I have been cutting milk and red meat. And I try to do that to the children as well. I use various healthy things, which they do not understand because I hide them in the food, such as buckwheat, flaxseed. I believe that the manipulative type of food is junk food. It's delicious and one in a few is not bad, but as a way of life it is the worst thing you can do.

