Athena Oikonomakou in the sixth month of pregnancy does aerial yoga for pregnant women


Athena Oikonomakou is going through the happiest period of her life, enjoying her first pregnancy as much as possible. 

The actress, who is already in the sixth month of her pregnancy, tries not to change her daily routine at all, so she continues the shooting of the series "Come in my place" and the gymnastics that is an integral part of her routine.

For the famous actress, gymnastics has always been an important part of her daily life and even today, she is already in the sixth month of her first pregnancy, she tries to continue it, in order to stay as fit as possible. 

The talented actress, since she could not continue the intensive training, discovered aerial yoga for pregnant women and excitedly replaced the gym but with her new activity.

She even uploaded a video giving ideas to other future manoles for alternative types of exercise during pregnancy, on her personal Instagram account.


However, Athena Oikonomakou, seems to be a fan of yoga in general, since a while ago she uploaded another photo on her personal Instagram account in which she also does yoga:

