Savvas Poumpouras: "You resort to substances and alcohol, so as not to think. Thought is poison "

I was waking up and I did not want to keep waking up. I would go to bed every night and say okay let me not wake up tomorrow


Savvas Poumpouras spoke about the difficult period of his life when he saw everything in black and found refuge in alcohol

Savvas Poumpouras was invited to "Mega Kalimera" and spoke, among other things, about the difficult period he experienced in his life and did not want to get out of bed.

The presenter who is with Eleni Menegaki this year, referred to that difficult period of his life, revealing the thoughts he had but also what made him stand on his feet again and see his life differently.

"I got to point zero, I said it has no lower so I have to change something. How do you change? Either you find people who have experienced change and captured it in a book or people who have found themselves in the most difficult circumstances and have something to tell you. I was waking up and I did not want to keep waking up. I would go to bed every night and say okay let me not wake up tomorrow, let me not eat again all the stress of the morning I get up. Things are going well in life, we should be grateful for what we have but our mind is playing dark games. It constantly puts you in a process that you are not well, that something is missing or not done properly "said Savvas Poumpouras.

"Did I wake up in the morning and say, 'Did I speak well to him?' Did I make the right move? Did I make the right decision? This thing eats you and in order not to eat you do other things… In the morning when I woke up I felt a black cloud and it was heavy and a lot of people feel it. That is why people resort to substances and alcohol, so as not to think. Thought is poison.

It is not a solution in any case, it makes them worse. I went through this phase 1-1,5 years. You wake up one day and say wait, I can not be like that until I reach old age. You can not be every day. It's like stepping on a sea urchin. I said at some point finally. And Virtue helped me but more so myself… So you say I draw the line, I started books, I also had friends. I did not ask for help from specialists then, now I do psychotherapy, seminars "added Savvas Poumpouras.