These are the foods that will whet your appetite

Let's face it, these days when we stay home, because of the jokes, we've thrown a little more into the food. And

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Let's face it, these days when we stay home, because of the jokes, we've thrown a little more into the food. And most people have fun saying that when the quarantine is over, they will gain more pounds.

However, there are some foods that help you lose your appetite and it is better to eat them than anything else when you want to snack.

See what they are:


Apples are an ideal solution for snacks and at the same time reduce the feeling of hunger as they contain pectin which helps to stabilize blood glucose levels.

Dried plums

Dry plum consumption acts as a hunger suppressant. This is because the fiber and sorbitol of plums stabilize blood glucose and reduce the feeling of hunger, while at the same time covering the desire for sweet taste.

Hot pepper

Capsaicin, the active ingredient that gives pepper its characteristic taste, activates our metabolism. Researchers from the University of Maastricht also found that the same ingredient helps control hunger and cravings.

Black chocolate

According to research, consuming a small amount of dark chocolate reduces the feeling of hunger. Connections in dark chocolate slow down digestion and make us feel full for longer.
