If you want a flat stomach you should give up these foods

Summer… For some the holidays have already started and for others they will start soon. And many, especially ladies, want it

carnaby article diet belly

Summer… For some the holidays have already started and for others they will start soon. And many, especially ladies, want to have a flat stomach on their beach trips.

The truth is that belly fat is one of the first things that one wants to lose when gaining extra pounds. And it does not exclusively concern appearances only with swimsuits.

Accumulated belly fat, in addition to aesthetic effect, has been directly linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. But what are the foods you need to give up to get a flat stomach?

Here are some of them:

French fries

According to researchers, people who regularly eat french fries gain more than 1,5 kg per four years. These individuals gained at least 7 kg in the abdomen alone during the study.


Saturated fats, which are present in pizza, are more likely to accumulate in the abdomen, so it is one of the foods that you should avoid.

Soft drinks

According to a recent study, diet soft drinks are associated with increased waist circumference, at older ages at least. Do not be fooled by those that have a low caloric value.
