Little secrets so that your eggs do not break when you paint them

This year, due to the coronavirus, a lot has changed. For the first time we will not go to church on Holy Week, we will not

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This year, due to the coronavirus, a lot has changed. For the first time we will not go to church on Holy Week, we will not do Resurrection, we will not traditionally celebrate Easter. But this does not mean that we can not, although staying at home, observe the customs.

And one of them is the painting of the eggs on Maundy Thursday. Traditionally we paint them red, which symbolizes the blood of Christ. But now other colors have been added. What has not changed is the anxiety of every housewife not to break the eggs during cooking.

But even here there are little secrets to succeed. Check out some of them:

Allow the eggs to come to room temperature first and then bring to the boil. This is because they can break due to the sharp difference in temperature.

Lay a kitchen towel in the pot where you will boil the eggs.

Boil one layer of eggs at a time.

Add a little salt and a few drops of vinegar to the water in which you will boil the eggs.

Boil on low and constant heat for about 12 minutes.
