The way to remove the toothpaste that fell on the clothes

Although we normally brush our teeth before getting dressed to leave the house, it happens that we do it too.

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Although we normally brush our teeth before getting dressed to leave the house, it happens that we do it upside down. However, these times one of the most common accidents happens: toothpaste falls on the clothes.

A stain that you do not call easy, since it takes effort to remove. However, there is a way to do it and even easier than you think.

See what you do in this case:

So you need some water, a knife (not a sharp one) and a small amount of laundry detergent. The steps to follow are as follows: Use a knife to lift and remove the toothpaste residue from the surface of the fabric.

Do not rub it, as you will only be able to push the stain deeper into the fibers of the garment. Then mix a teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent in a cup of water.

Dip a white cloth into the mixture and rub gently with this cloth until the stain is gone. Finally, dip another clean white cloth in cold water and wipe with this clothes, in order to remove the detergent and toothpaste residues from above.
