Morning or night; When is it best to take a shower?

There are those who like and feel better to take a shower in the morning, because as they say, it helps them to

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There are those who like and feel better to take a shower in the morning, because as they say, it helps them wake up. And there are those who prefer the evening shower, because it relaxes them and they sleep better.

And somewhere here the question arises: what time is the best to take a shower? In the morning or in the evening? According to experts, each hour has its own benefits, so you can choose what you want.

The benefits of showering in the morning

Stimulates circulation and speeds up the heart rate and allows for better concentration in the morning. In addition the morning shower is better for people with oily skin, as at night sweat remains all day on the surface of the skin and can clog pores. It is also best to use lukewarm water.

The benefits of showering at night

An evening shower is a great way to unwind after a hard day at work. Reduces blood pressure and stress. It will help you fall asleep faster because it works soothingly and signals the body to start producing melatonin, the sleep-promoting hormone, faster.
