Five reasons to take a cold shower

The idea of ​​a cold shower makes many people shudder. To cool down and just think about it and do it

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The idea of ​​a cold shower makes many people shudder. To cool down just by thinking about it and rejecting it. However, scientifically proven, taking a cold shower is good for the body.

Here are five reasons to start a cold shower if you haven't already:

You wake up easily

If you have difficulty waking up in the morning and can't recover, a cold shower in this case is ideal. In addition, the shock that the body receives at the first contact with cold water and the deep and fast breathing that we get as a reaction, increases the overall oxygen uptake. This increases the heart rate and we have the energy we need to make the day.

It reduces stress

According to relevant studies, cold showers increase resistance to stressful situations.

Improves hair and skin quality

Cold water "tightens" the skin and pores, preventing clogging of dirt and cold oils. Also, with cold water the hair is more shiny.

Enhances good blood circulation

Cold water can improve blood circulation, which helps fight heart problems. It can also lower blood pressure, clear clogged arteries and improve the immune system.

Increases hormone production

The cold shower boosts self-confidence and erotic mood, as it increases the corresponding hormones. Also, according to research, cold water increases sperm counts, in contrast to hot, which causes a decrease.

Fights depression

Contact with cold water has a strong effect on neurons, which send a wave of electrical stimuli to the brain. A procedure that has antidepressant action, while also offering well-being.
