The trick to erase the ink stain

It is one of the most difficult and annoying stains and can remain on the fabric even after many washes.

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It is one of the most difficult and annoying stains and can remain on the fabric even after many washes. The reason for the ink, which especially on the days of quarantine children write and paint, you will have all such an accident.

However, although it is a difficult stain, you can actually deal with it and even get rid of it. See below how:

If the garment is cotton, rub the stain with lemon or alcohol. If however it is synthetic, then the solution is found in a mixture of salt and milk. As for the wool, the lemon eliminates the stain in this case as well. All you have to do is rub the ink spot well with the above and then wash the clothes regularly. The stain you will see, disappears.
