Three tricks to "iron" clothes without iron

Let’s face it: ironing is one of the most tedious chores around the house that most of us try to avoid. Especially,

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Let’s face it: ironing is one of the most tedious chores around the house that most of us try to avoid. Especially in the summer months when due to heat it becomes unbearable.

So, if you are looking for ways to "iron" clothes without ironing, here are three tricks:


It is the most famous trick and has taken many out of the difficult position. Wrap your clothes in a roll and put it under the mattress of your bed. Leave it there for about an hour and then it will be ready.

Put it in the shower

Try hanging your clothes on some hangers and place them in the bathroom while taking a shower. The water vapor will iron them σας.


It's the fastest way to iron your clothes. Adjust the hair dryer to medium speed and blow on your crumpled clothes. The result is impressive and the clothes look like ironed
