Coronavirus: New discovery - Gene doubles risk of death

It may explain in some ways why some ethnic groups are more prone to serious illnesses than others

b covid DNA, gene, KORONIOS

Scientists have identified one specific gene που doubles the risk of respiratory failure from Covid-19 and can somehow explain why some ethnic groups are more prone to serious diseases by others, as reported by Bloomberg.

Researchers from the University of Oxford have found that a form of higher risk of the gene is likely prevents cells lining the airways and lungs from responding properly to the virus. About 60% of people are from South Asia carry this version of the gene, compared with 15% of people of European descent, according to the study published on Thursday.

The findings explain why higher incidence and morbidity rates may have been observed in some communities and in the Indian subcontinent. The authors warn that the gene can not be used as a single explanation, as many other factors, such as socioeconomic conditions, play a role.

People with the gene, known as LZTFL1, would benefit greatly from vaccination, which remains the best method of protection, the researchers said.

The findings increase the likelihood of research into treatments specific to patients with this gene, although no individualized drugs are currently available.

This "Shows that the way the lungs respond to infection is critical"said James Davis, one of the heads of research and associate professor of genomics at Oxford, who worked in the intensive care unit during the pandemic. "It simply came to our notice then Most treatments have focused on changing the way the immune system responds to the virus.».

Davis and his colleagues found the gene using artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art molecular technology. The team trained an algorithm to analyze large amounts of genetic data from hundreds of cell types throughout the body and then used a new technique that allowed it to focus on the DNA behind this particular genetic signal.

«If you have the highest risk gene and are seriously ill from Covid, then there is a 50% chance that this would not have happened to you if you had the lower risk genotype. ", Davies told reporters on Thursday.