Interactive lecture in Achna for the emotional development of children

viber image 2019 10 07 11 43 36 Interactive Lecture, Achna Community Youth Council, Cyprus Youth Organization, Emotional Intelligence

The Famagusta Youth Information Center and the Psycho-social empowerment program of young people "Little Bear" of the Cyprus Youth Organization, in collaboration with the Community Youth Council of Achna, organize an interactive lecture on: "Emotional education and emotional Intelligence to our children.

viber image 2019 10 07 11 42 57 Interactive Lecture, Achna Community Youth Council, Cyprus Youth Organization, Emotional Intelligence


Is knowledge and education sufficient for the progress and well-being of our children? How can I enhance my child's abilities? How do I help a child have emotional balance and feel satisfied with themselves and their relationships? How can I help my child behave in more acceptable ways?

The issue of Emotional Intelligence, that is, understanding, expressing and accepting the feelings of ourselves and those around us, is an important factor in enhancing self-confidence, regulating our behavior, creating positive relationships with others.

The lecture will take place on Friday, 11/10/2019, 18: 30-20: 00, in the Cultural Events Hall of the Achna Forest (23722292).

Required registration here: or at the pan-Cypriot number 77772757.
Participation is FREE.
