Paralimni High School: This is how they condemned the proclamation of the pseudo-state (PICTURES)

With intra-departmental events, they condemned the pseudo-state at the Lyceum of Paralimni, presenting audiovisual material prepared by students and teachers, as well as the students prepared a large banner with slogans.

A delegation of the central student council gave a resolution to the representative of the United Nations at the Deryneia roadblock. 


The school publication: 

An intra-sectional event was held for the condemnation of the pseudo-state and the day of remembrance of the occupied.

Audiovisual material was prepared in each section, which was prepared by students and teachers of Paralimni High School.

A resolution was also delivered to the representative of the United Nations at the Deryneia roadblock by a delegation of the Central Student Council.

The students of Paralimni High School created banners for the condemnation of the pseudo-state and to remind us that we must keep the flame of the justification of our homeland unquenchable!

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