EP.MAMOCHOSTOU-KEPA: Campaign for the purchase of a car for the home delivery of food

See how you can strengthen the effort of KEPA for the purchase of a vehicle, with which it will be able to make the daily distribution of food to our fellow human beings in need

Drawing without title 2021 02 17T130222.508 exclusive, KEPA Agios Christoforos

KEPA Agios Christoforos announced a campaign for the purchase of a car for the Home Delivery of Hot Food. In the announcement you can see how you can offer for the purchase of a vehicle, which will be the distribution of hot food at home daily to our fellow citizens who need our help. 

The announcement: 

These are the two cars that made countless love journeys and deliveries of freshly cooked hot food. Every day they stopped outside various houses to offer free hot food made with a lot of love and pure ingredients. Unfortunately, after 23 years, the roads have suffered a lot of damage and the cost of repairing them is very high. With God's help and your help we will proceed with the purchase of a car. We are sure that with your support we will be able to buy another car. We rely on your love and help. Let everyone give what they can. At KEPA we know first hand that there are many difficulties at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the two cars were donated by the Bank of Cyprus and the Christos A. Pitsillos painting school, whom we thank once again.

Anyone wishing to help can do so in the account below. Thank you.

Bank of Cyprus
No. Account0444 - 01 - 016055
IBAN: CY 70 0020 0444 0000 0001 0160 5500

Payments via Paypal:

Drawing without title 2021 02 17T130222.508 exclusive, KEPA Agios Christoforos


These are the two cars of KEPA Charity that made countless journeys and distributions of freshly cooked hot food. Every day they stopped outside the homes of people in need in order to offer free hot food made with lots of love and pure ingredients. (Meals on Wheels program)
Unfortunately after 23 years on the roads they have suffered a lot of damage and the cost of repairing them is too much. With God's help and your assistance we will proceed to the purchase of a car. We are confident that with your support we will be able to buy another car.
We rely on your love and help. Every donation is accepted. At KEPA we know first-hand that there are many difficulties at the moment.
It is worth mentioning that the two cars were donated by Bank of Cyprus and the painting school Christos A. Pitsillos whom we thank once again. Anyone wishing to help can do so in the following account.
Thank you all !!
Bank of Cyprus
Account number: 0444 - 01 - 016055
IBAN: CY 70 0020 0444 0000 0001 0160 5500

Donations via Paypal: