Unique spectacle with flamingos in Lake Paralimni (PICTURES)

The pink visitors to Paralimni Lake are back...

408517821 7076458065730281 6341813069794880270 n exclusive, Lake Paralimni

After the rains of the last few days and the enrichment of the Paralimni lake, the flamingos made their appearance again. Many rushed to capture the special moment.

See photos posted in the Paralimni Lake Photography group:

409370716 7076458959063525 1606812224370905964 n exclusive, Lake Paralimni 408517821 7076458065730281 6341813069794880270 n exclusive, Lake Paralimni 409171501 3235136126792976 3499039907928470699 n exclusive, Lake Paralimni 408559982 827237799156036 7786226708920423293 n exclusive, Lake Paralimni

Images: Paralimni Lake Photography / Kyriakos Tsiola, Andy Rollie, Deyan Kichukov