Pittatzis for appointment of Minister of Justice: "And below"

"But when NO ONE is appointed, it simply means that the government considers that the ENTIRE population of the Province is stupid, useless, illiterate, incompetent."

Screenshot 2019 05 29 18.41.49 exclusive, Andreas Pittatziis

Lawyer Andreas Pittatzis appeared today through his account on a social media account against the government's handling of the issue of the appointment of the new Minister of Justice.

The occasion was the succession of the former Minister of Justice and Public Order, Ionas Nikolaou, who resigned for reasons of social well-being from the Famagusta resident, and a resident of Limassol, legal Georgios Makridis.

As Andreas Pittatzis characteristically stated in his post, who also fired arrows against the ruling party, "When NO ONE is appointed, it simply means that the government considers ALL the population of the Province to be stupid, useless, illiterate, incompetent."

Andrea Pittatzi's post is like this:

"A new Minister of Justice is appointed. Nor, like all others, does he come from Free Famagusta. It seems that the rapid increase in ELAM's percentages did not bother either Pindar or the presidency.

The question remains: We are not suggesting that the current appointees are inappropriate. We just wonder, aren't there worthy and remarkable people from this Province, capable of taking over a Ministry? An important place in the executive branch? The quarrel is not provincial. He is not one of you in my Province. But when NO ONE is appointed, it simply means that the government considers ALL the population of the Province to be stupid, useless, illiterate, incompetent.

I wonder how many DISY party members from Famagusta will continue to participate or even tolerate this insult to their place. Because these stupid, useless, illiterate, incompetent people are the professionals who command the flagship of your tourism. They are the people you turn to for party contributions, donations and employment. They are the people who, despite all the insults, still fill the event centers when you come to catch votes.

It was not enough to dry the ink of the first DISY in Famagusta, they insulted her again. And inferior. "

Screenshot 2019 05 29 18.40.43 exclusive, Andreas Pittatziis
