How to deal with depression

a 6883 He has and he has ..., What Freud taught me
a 6883 He has and he has ..., What Freud taught me

By Zafeiros Anastasiou

According to a study published in "Mental Health and Physical Activity" the treatment of depression is hidden in something simple: Walking… 

Researchers from Scotland, specifically the University of Sterling, have discovered that even a simple walk can prove to be extremely beneficial.

The scientists studied 8 studies involving a total of 341 people, who did not do intense exercise but walking. What they found was that walking significantly helped people suffering from depression. They even noticed that walking provided a significant mental benefit, similar to that of intense exercise.

Experts claim that one in 10 people will develop depression at some point in their lives. Even though there are several antidepressant pills available today, doctors recommend exercise for those with mild depression.
