Events for World Volunteer Day from Famagusta General Hospital

a 6206 Nea Famagusta
a 6206 Nea Famagusta

With football match, cycling and blood donation

The General Hospital of Famagusta, in the context of the World Volunteer Blood Donor Day, which has been established by the World Health Organization and is celebrated every year on June 14, held three events… 

On June 13, a football match was played between the Famagusta General Hospital and the Xylofagos Veterans Football Team.

On the 14th of June, the day of the International Blood Donor Day, a Voluntary Blood Donation took place at the General Hospital of Famagusta. The donors who came were given souvenirs.

Finally, on Sunday, June 17, a bicycle ride was planned from the courtyard of the Famagusta General Hospital, ending at Agios Georgios Square in Paralimni, where there was a staircase for information and public awareness. The cyclists were awarded honorary diplomas.

The Director of the Hospital, Florence Zeitouni, emphasizing the enormous importance and necessity of abundant blood donation, stated that blood is a living tissue that can not yet be replaced by any drug or chemical or prepared and we only get it from healthy donors. Transfusion of blood and its derivatives saves millions of lives every year.

The Directorate of General Hospital of Famagusta, adopting the motto chosen for this year "Every Blood Donor is a Hero" wants to thank and strengthen the self-esteem of volunteer blood donors to continue to donate blood, and to encourage those who are not blood donors and to start donating blood.

a1 4 Nea Famagusta Press Release