The father of the twins is saddened by the judicial development of the tragedy in Marie

a 309 News
a 7802 NewsThe father of the twins who lost their lives in the tragedy in Marie flashed and thundered on the occasion of the long delay in bringing to justice the perpetrators of the tragedy that shook Cyprus and not only… 

In his statements shortly before the filing of the indictments against eight persons, Michalis Christoforou, after sending a relevant letter to the Attorney General through a lawyer, stressed:

"The unjustified postponements and the provocative treatment of the criminal prosecutions continue. Former government officials are on hand (firefighters), others have returned to their duties (military) and others, such as former ministers, are re-claiming senior positions as party vice-presidents even though they are involved (as reported by the press or the media) in homicide or even causing death by negligence.

The Attorney General seems to be constantly changing his initial positions but also reports with a clear lack of initiatives, responsible management and treatment of the whole situation and procedure.

Developments show that skillfully, methodically and deliberately a great effort is made to forget and marginalize the tragedy in Marie that was the result of the criminal incompetence of all involved state officials, the government and the President of the Republic himself based on the finding of Polybius, the conclusion of the Defense Committee of the Parliament and the decision of the plenary session of the Parliament ".

The indictments have been filed in the Larnaca criminal court and the trial will start next month. Among those charged are former defense and foreign ministers.

Of course, the relatives of the victims but also the Outraged wanted President Christofias to be convicted. Now it remains to see the progress of the trial and whether they will be held accountable and what the responsibilities will be to those who sent 13 people to the other world.

Source: "Owl"