Change of attitude in the relations between Karoyan and DISY with the aim of the DIKO elections

a 182 News, Nea Famagusta
a 3465 News, Nea Famagusta

Marios Karoyan made a move with double goals yesterday. He forwarded to the President of the Republic and the ministers the political-ideological declaration of the Democratic Party, which sets out the 12 musts for his party.

With this move, he intends to satisfy his internal party audience by showing a "tough stance" regarding open fronts with the Troika, such as the privatization of semi-governmental organizations, the reduction of interest rates, the protection of small and medium-sized enterprises. But also sensitive issues that are at the top of the demands of public opinion, such as the cleansing and exemplary punishment of those responsible for the economic tragedy in our country.

On the other hand, the party president sends a warning message to President Anastasiadis, but also to his partners in the government, about the red lines that DIKO considers inviolable.

The president of DIKO also announced a meeting in the coming days with the leadership of DISY in order to hand over the declaration to him by hand, noting that he considers it a component of their political cooperation within the current government.

It does not go unnoticed that this move was chosen at a time when the processes with the Trojans are in progress on issues that have been plaguing the Cypriot economy for a long time, with no time to refer to decisions far below.

The meteoric question is whether on the high roofs of DIKO they have decided to stretch the rope of relations within the government at this stage or whether it is just a move towards internal party consumption. A tactic that went through many trials in the previous collaboration with D. Christofias, with the deputy president defending it.

DIKO's move was officially made public yesterday by the party's spokesman, Angelos Votsis, who noted that the declaration bases its party's political priorities on the philosophy of the Social Center and the mixed economy system. In its message, DIKO, among others:

● Stresses that he does not accept the sale of semi-governmental organizations and the alienation from the state of their property. Advocates for the consolidation, rationalization and restructuring of sub-governmental organizations and their cooperation with the private sector in areas and services that do not affect vital national security issues.

. Proposes the adoption of special legislation aimed at the radical reduction of lending rates and the fairest possible loan restructuring.

● Considers the fight against tax evasion as an urgent need and calls on the competent services to act effectively and decisively.

● Emphasizes that it remains a defender of the interests of the middle income class and the disadvantaged groups of the population, supporting the fair distribution of economic burdens to deal with the current economic crisis.

. Stresses the need to promote legislation that prevents alienation from the first home (reasonable cost) due to debts to banks.

Regarding the Cyprus issue, it remains in the general declarations for a fair, functional and sustainable solution to the Cyprus problem that will put an end to the occupation and settlement of Cyprus and will ensure the sovereign rights of the Cypriot state and its human and political rights. of the Cypriot people.

Advocates the more active involvement of the European Union, based on the principles of the European Acquis, in the processes promoting a solution to the Cyprus problem.

* Markos Kyprianou sends his own messages. Despite the pressure he receives, he reiterates that he does not intend to support one of the two candidates for the presidency. Because such a move would nullify his attempt, as he explained in an interview with "Newsit", to move the fire brigade the day after the elections. The former minister expresses concerns about the strongly polarizing climate created in DIKO.