Scientists have discovered that cancer is associated with red meat

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This is not the first time that nutritionists have warned that excessive consumption of beef, pork or goatmeat is linked to cancer.

For many years, however, while scientists could observe by observing that red meat could lead to the disease, they had no clear idea of ​​why this was happening.

The answer was given when research on other mammals that while eating mainly meat, did not have the same negative effect on the health of their body, compared to humans. From the observation in carnivorous mammals, the missing piece of the puzzle was found. Red meat contains a specific sugar, which is produced by the bodies of other mammals, but not by humans. This sugar, as soon as it is detected by the body, causes the immediate response of the immune system that "attacks" the foreign body, produces antibodies that lead to swelling and eventually cancer.

In other carnivores, the introduction of this sugar through food is not a "cashew nut" for the body, simply because these animals can produce this substance and so their body does not perceive it as "hostile".

So now that we have the clear connection between the consumption of red meat and the possibility of cancer, should we give up meat once and for all? Experts explain that consuming it in reasonable quantities offers important vitamins, protein and nutrients, but it should be consumed in moderation, ie no more than 70g. the day.