Turkey threatens war in Cyprus over deposits

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"An area with an unspecified and therefore claimable ownership status by many countries" characterized the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus by the Turkish Minister for European Affairs Egemen Bagis, in an interview with the BBC television program HARDTALK. .. 

He described the Cypriot drilling as "illegal action of the Greek Cypriots after conducting investigations in a disputed area and we will have to find out which country the gas belongs to, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus or Israel".

Journalist Steven Sakur had pointed out to Mr. Bagis that the Turkish threats give the impression that Turkey is proposing military action against Cyprus, which is not in line with Turkey's EU aspirations.

He even noted that Turkey has every right to use its power to defend its rights, which means that it is clearly threatening war and the question is now what Greece is doing in the face of this threat, which is also confirmed by emails. of Stratfor leaked to WikiLeaks.

"The Turks are out of control" is the title of an internal note sent by Stratfor chief George Friedman on September 16, 2011 to an analyst who presented him with a report on the Noble Energy oil exploration in Cyprus. territorial sea.

"Turkey has caused a great deal of controversy over Noble's oil exploration in cooperation with the Greek Cypriots," the analyst wrote. "Basically, he does it because he can, because Greece is in a big mess right now. "Besides, her move to send frigates to the area is part of the same context."

The following is a testimony on the subject: "I was just talking to David. His best friend's father is the head of Noble Energy. They all ate together in Houston and he described to them how the Turks create a nightmare for them with all this mission of warships.

David told him about my job and that we work a lot with Turkey and my father wants to talk to me about it. A business opportunity may arise, you never know.

But this family has homes all over the world, the father speaks 10 languages, now he lives in Cyprus, he used to be in Quito and before that in Vietnam - he has all kinds of strange connections with suspicious people. Maybe I can learn a lot of interesting things from him. "And maybe we can help them understand exactly what the Turks are going to do."

Analysts, as it is September and the company has not yet announced its estimates for the size of the deposit, estimate that it should be proportional to the large deposit found in the respective Israeli surveys.

They note that the Cypriot Foreign Minister sought political support in Israel. "The Cypriots keep saying that Israel supports them, but I really doubt whether the Israelis will interfere in the matter at a time when they have: a) their own confrontation over submarine deposits with Lebanon and b) problems with Turkey.

Greece provides rhetorical support to Cyprus but nothing more. "Cypriots are threatening to block Turkey's EU accession talks. Anyway, the accession talks are in a coma, so this threat means nothing to Ankara."

Source: www.defencenet.gr