The appearance of Eleftheria Eleftheriou in Turkey that provoked reactions in Cyprus

a 373 Nea Famagusta
a 7371 Nea Famagusta
Eleftheria Eleftheriou traveled to Turkey to promote the "Aphrodisiac", which will represent Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Turks welcomed her with enthusiasm and the singer full of fun spoke with the presenters, but also sang the song of Greece… 

Where he left the Turks open-mouthed was when he performed live the well-known songs "Pista apo Fosforo" and "I love you because you are Beautiful", not only in Greek but also in Turkish!

This appearance of Eleftheria Eleftheriou provoked huge reactions in Cyprus - mainly from unfavorable comments on Facebook - how she agreed to visit Turkey to promote her song since her homeland is under Turkish occupation.

Maybe ERT does not care about our national problem, since in general Greek television has filled Turkish serials on the altar of television viewing and the crisis, the Cypriot singer who comes from Frenaros has no opinion? Probably not!

Watch your videos and conclusions:
