'Photovoltaic for all': What to look out for - Advice from the Consumers' Association

What you need to notice about the "Photovoltaic for all" scheme

fotovoltaika 1 770x407 1 "Photovoltaics for Everyone"

The solar subsidy scheme for all has already come into force and will help to a great extent to solve the problem of finding the cost of the initial investment, says the Cypriot Consumers' Association in a statement, which gives some advice and points out that the choice of installer should not be done by accident.

The Cypriot Consumers' Association, in the context of information and proper information of consumers, invites consumers as before contracting with an installer to request and be informed about the frame specifications, i.e. the frame specifications and the period of their warranty, for the percentage and the time period of their guaranteed performance and to be informed whether there is a guarantee beyond the seven years provided for in the subsidy plan and whether this guarantee includes both the cost of materials and the cost of labor.

He notes that the market today offers guarantees beyond seven years

With reference to the specifications of inverters, the Association invites consumers to find out if the inverters include optimizers, -which are very useful in cases where there are shading problems of the panels-, if the possibility of remote monitoring of the production is provided (telemetry), if there is a fire prevention system in case of a problem.

He also recommends that they find out about the warranty period of the converter, if there is a warranty beyond the seven years provided for in the subsidy plan, and if this warranty includes both the cost of materials and the cost of labor.

"Don't leave anything to chance. You decide on a large investment with an average duration of 15 years. There are products on the market that can differ significantly from each other. Do your own research or even if you can, consult an expert. The choice of the installer should not be made at random", concludes the Cypriot Consumers' Association, in its announcement.