Research shows which is the most erotic language

Research conducted by the leading internet platform Preply showed which is the most erotic language

depositphotos 87013556 stock photo nice girl reading dictionary Research, Italian, foreign languages

The internet platform Preply gathered participants with different mother tongues and measured their heart rate while listening to various short phrases in specific languages.

The result of the research showed that Italian is the most attractive language, with Dutch finishing .. in the last place of preference of the participants.

More specifically, when the participants (men and women) listened to the Italian phrases they had a 23% increase in their heart rate, while in second place with a 20% increase in heart rate were Portuguese.

Greek was in third place on the list along with French and Russian.

Women seem to prefer French more than men, with a 23% increase in their heart rate, while male participants did not show the same enthusiasm for the French language, with only a 17% increase in their heart rate.

But in the end, what makes a language so sensual?

Linguist Aleksandra Stevanovic explains: “Languages ​​that are easy to sing follow the pattern of a vowel - a consonant, so each syllable ends with a vowel. "These words sound more 'musical' to our ears and therefore more attractive."

The entire Preply list:

Italian (23%)

Portuguese (20%)

Greek (18%)

French (18%)

Russian (18%)

Chinese (17%)

Polish (17%)

Korean (17%)

German (15%)

Japanese (15%)

Indian (15%)

Dutch (12%)