The strongest photos of the week

Colors, passion, tears, effort, survival, joy, pain ...

j89h89 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

Colors, passion, tears, effort, survival, joy, pain.

If a picture is worth a thousand words then you definitely don't need many words for the photos below.

The following images are summarized what happened to the world last week.

See how his camera captured it Associated Press the events that have taken place in the world in the last seven days.

Athens, Greece: A "sea" of empty chairs

AP 20127649570374 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

The pan-European protest "Empty Chairs", which took place in various cities in Europe, was attended by representatives of the restaurant and in Greece - of course Athens - with Syntagma Square having an unprecedented image, as it was "flooded" by empty chairs. . The coronavirus… also brought this professional industry to its knees, expressing its anxiety for the next day.

Milan, Italy: Everything Marriage Difficult…

AP 20129382936808 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

A couple just got married at Milan City Hall, with civil weddings returning to Italy on Thursday (07/05). Thus, some did not miss the opportunity, at a time when the "battle" with the coronavirus in the country continues. The need to return to a normalcy and the continuation of life is greater than any fear.

Barcelona, ​​Catalonia: A breath of fresh air and hope

AP 20129302047192 1 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

The lifting of restrictive measures is gradually progressing in Spain as well, with the rise in temperature allowing a visit to the sea. Those who have this opportunity, in coastal cities such as Barcelona, ​​took advantage of it, in an effort to seek moments of relaxation and optimism.

Obernheim, Germany: Football is a way out of misery

AP 20126701515151 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

The coronavirus may have stopped many balls from rolling, but children cannot give up their favorite toy. After all, it is a universal value that unites the world. And especially now it is becoming more important, with professional leagues in Germany giving hope that the planet will return to the flow we all knew until a few months ago.

London, England: Tribute to those who joined the Freedom Front

AP 20129365321718 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

May 8 marks the anniversary of the end of World War II, with veterans of the front having their day of honor every such day. Even in the midst of a pandemic, those who took part in the "nightmare" could not miss the events of memory. The applause was the least reward for them…

Washington, USA: The "Blue Angels" caught the eye

AP 20123592201925 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

In the first place and with a big difference from the other countries are the USA in victims and cases of coronavirus. But the world also needs the pleasant notes in its daily life, which the "Blue Angels" were able to offer in the sky of Washington, with their flights also having a symbolic character against the pandemic.

Sao Paulo, Brazil: Training at the right distances

AP 20127576462455 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

The lockdown in Brazil has forced many people to stay at home and not be able to exercise easily. Thus, it was decided to make a team program in open sports areas, where with the appropriate distances, people will be able to rest.

Incheon, South Korea: The spectators took their seats in the stands

AP 20126180475060 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

The coronavirus created new data in the stadiums as well. The sport is starting to put its engines forward again, but the games will take place without the presence of spectators. So, in order to cover -as much as possible- this absence, photos of the audience entered the stands, in order for the stage not to be completely empty.

Kathmandu, Nepal: Disinfection from head to toe

AP 20124461653670 Associated Press, the best photos of the week

This may not be the most orthodox way to disinfect, but a little girl literally bathes from head to toe to protect herself from the virus and in turn to protect those close to her. A completely unusual image, which no longer causes such a big surprise.

via: newsbeast