Kids "catch" kids on Youtube

Kids "catch" kids on Youtube

Giant companies such as Nestle and Disney are withdrawing their ads

Leading companies withdrew their advertising messages from YouTube, in the wake of the revelation that a pedophile network has chosen the platform to build porn exchange links networks.

This is done under videos of famous games on Youtube which attract many children. In particular, there have been reports of comments with links to videos of the well-known Fortnite game, which is the focus of interest of many children from the age of 8 (while the game is for children 12 years and older) up to teenagers.

Among the names that "downloaded" their ads from the platform are Nestlé, Disney and Epic Games, which has created the popular game Fortnite and which

The decision to stop their advertising on YouTube was made after the revelation that pedophiles communicate with each other without being noticed under the comments contained in videos aimed at young children.

YouTube responded immediately to the complaints, closing more than 400 channels hosting inappropriate comments in two days.

On YouTube, a company spokesman commented on Epic Games' decision: "Any content, including comments, that endangers minors is considered unacceptable and as a company we have a clear policy that prohibits it."

"We take immediate action by deleting accounts and channels, reporting any illegal activity and disabling the ability to comment on tens of millions of videos containing minors. "There are others that need to be done and we continue to work to improve our services and to identify such cases as soon as possible," he added.
