Stress: Three effective tactics to keep it under control

Stress: Three effective tactics to keep it under control

EB66B147 4C55 4F5D A540 7D15A1305FF1 STRESS, HEALTH

Stress is inevitable. The secret is to learn how to deal with it. Mayo Clinic experts reveal three effective ways to boost our response to stressful stimuli and make us more resilient to stress without requiring more time than our daily routine.

Here are three tips to increase your stress resistance and get more joy out of life.

Greater awareness

Awareness of your thoughts and actions will help you identify your behavioral patterns, identify areas that need improvement, but also recognize what you are already doing well! The next time you feel stressed, just pause and observe your reaction. Try to find out where your reaction comes from and choose a different way of reacting.

To boost your personal awareness, try to listen to the messages your body sends you, record the symptoms of stress and take some time to reflect on your reaction and the way you interpret it.

Focus your attention

An effective technique for dealing with stressful situations is to practice mindfulness so that you can learn to focus on the present moment. This reduces the tendency of the mind to travel ανα and rehash unpleasant thoughts that fuel stress. Focusing requires practice, especially in a world full of distractions. To develop this ability, try to focus on the details of your daily environment and experiences. See with a different eye your daily habits and actions.

Do not be critical

Avoid criticism even for three minutes! If you find yourself criticizing everything you are going through and thinking about what the "if κατάσταση" situation would be, try to control yourself. Fight this "reflex of criticism" by challenging yourself to simply experience for three minutes without criticizing. By delaying criticism, you create room for gratitude. You may find that what you have in front of you is quite good or enjoyable as it is!
