A victim of a car accident in India "revived" on the forensic table

Incredible incident in India with a happy ending

Untitled Plan 2021 03 04T090251.954 India

A thriller from a Hollywood horror movie was experienced by an Indian medical examiner, when the victim of a car accident started rocking on the anatomy table.

The deceased was a 27-year-old man from Mahalingapur, Karnataka. The young man was involved in a motorcycle accident last weekend and was taken to a private hospital where doctors determined his "death".

His relatives received the "corpse" and transported it to a public hospital for a forensic examination on Monday. According to his relatives, who spoke to the local press, the medical examiner who was about to start the examination suddenly saw the dead man shaking.

A health worker confirmed that the 27-year-old was alive and was rushed to another hospital. His condition is improving, he added.

However, he admitted that the doctors of the private hospital showed a "bad crisis" and it is now up to the family to sue them for negligence.

Source: KYPE