Dr. Koliou: He considers the decision of the senator of Tepak too strict

Rector of TEPAK: Call to students to be vaccinated to return to the classrooms

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Maria Koliou, a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, considers the decision of the senator of Tepak to be too strict.

Speaking to Trito, Ms. Koliou said that at this stage, adequate protection against the virus could be ensured, by performing two rapid-tests per week. At the same time, he said that more emphasis could be placed on various actions to persuade students to get vaccinated.

Regarding the health professionals, Maria Koliou expressed the position that vaccination may have to become mandatory, due to the high transmissibility in hospitals.

In addition, Ms. Koliou advocated giving a third boost to the immunosuppressed and elderly, stressing that it would provide better vaccination coverage and increased antibodies to the deadly virus.

Rector of TEPAK: Call to students to be vaccinated to return to the classrooms

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The Rector of the Cyprus University of Technology, Panagiotis Zafeiris, called on the students to be vaccinated in order to return to the classrooms.

Speaking to the Morning Schedule, Mr. Zafeiris admitted that yesterday's decision of the Senate to allow only those who have been vaccinated or become ill to enter the university facilities, is bold. He stressed, however, that it is the only solution, as students, every day, have an increased number of contacts.

As for distance learning, he stated that no commitment can be made that it will be valid beyond the Autumn Semester.

The Senate decision provoked the reaction of the student groups, with the Progressive Student Movement of Tepak currently holding a protest rally outside the Ministry of Health.

As the president of the faction, Michalis Diamianidis, stated in the Third, the purpose of the protest is to re-evaluate the decision and to give the opportunity to more students, to return with a physical presence to the classrooms.

Besides, today, the University of Cyprus in an extraordinary meeting of the Senate, will decide on the measures that will be valid for the new academic year.

Source: Riknews