Υφ. Tourism: Prepares joint tourist packages with neighboring countries

Cape Greco Tourism Packages, Deputy Ministry of Tourism

Aiming to attract tourism from the United States, Canada, China, Japan and France, the Deputy Minister of Tourism's contacts with neighboring countries have been successfully completed, in connection with the creation of joint tourist packages.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Tourism, following an intensive effort of more than three months to gather information, analysis, consultation and contacts, Cyprus has reached agreements with Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, and consultations with Hellas.

The packages include themed routes, with key features and attractions of these countries, such as natural beauties, cultural monuments, major events and more, which visitors will be able to enjoy with a single excursion package.

In detail, the common packages will focus on the following thematic routes:

  • Dive into the Aphrodite's sea
  • A journey of arts, traditions and crafts - A contemporary take on arts, traditions and handicrafts
  • Following in the footsteps of St Paul - Following the footsteps of St Paul
  • Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Gastronomy - Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Gastronomy
  • Cycling route - Thrills on wheels
  • Δρομος των Φοινίκων - Phoenicians 'route: Hidden treasures of the Phoenicians' route
  • Following in the footsteps of the Cypriot Aphrodite - Following the footsteps of Goddess Aphrodite
  • A photographic journey through the natural beauty of the East Med

The next step for the Ministry of Tourism, it is noted, is to inform the travel agents, with the aim of implementing in practice the work that has already been done.

The above program will also be the basis for excursions inland, which will be offered to cruise passengers who will disembark in Cyprus.

Source: KYPE