The most common passwords in the world

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Although it is recommended that users of devices and services frequently change their passwords in order to avoid being hacked, it seems that there are too many who choose an easy solution, a sequence of numbers or letters, in order not to forget them.

If, say, you have a code somewhere the numbers "123456" know that you belong to the 17% of people around the world who have chosen this sequence, according to a survey of the most used passwords of 2016.

Chicago-based Keeper, a password management company, looked at 10 million passwords leaked through personal data breaches last year and found that the top ten were six-character or smaller, meaning they could be cracked in a minimum. time.

Obviously many users think that the sequence of numbers is a bright idea since the seven most popular codes were the following: 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789 and 1234567890.

Some people combine numbers with letters to make the result more complicated, but again, according to Keeper, security is very weak.

"Crackers know how to look for key sequences. At best it will take a few seconds more, "he says.

Even some passwords that seem more secure, since they do not come from the position of the characters on the keyboard, the Daily Mail notes, seem to be often used to create fake accounts for sending spam or phishing.

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