Yp. Justice: The institution of Commissioner for Gender Equality is established immediately

"The Government intends to proceed immediately with actions to institutionalize the institution of the Commissioner for Gender Equality"

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The Government intends to proceed immediately with actions to institutionalize the institution of the Commissioner for Gender Equality, said the Minister of Justice and Public Order, Anna Koukkidis-Prokopiou, in her statements to KYPE on the occasion of International Women's Day.

The Minister of Justice, as the responsible Minister for Gender Equality issues and in particular for the issues of preventing and combating violence against women, expressed, at the same time, her readiness for the immediate promotion and implementation of the first National Strategy and the first National Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Gender-Based Violence which were recently drawn up, with a time horizon of implementation in the five years 2023-2028.

He also noted that targeted actions will be promoted with the aim of deconstructing outdated social and sexist stereotypes and perceptions that are also the main generative cause of inequalities and discrimination against women.

Speaking at KYPE, on the occasion of International Women's Day, the Minister of Justice and Public Order said that March 8 is a day of commemoration of the timeless struggles and collective conquests of women around the world.

"Unfortunately, it took decades of continuous and intensive advocacy for women to be able to enjoy unhindered fundamental human rights and freedoms today. On behalf of the State, I express my undivided appreciation and respect to all the women of Cyprus without exception and I assure them that the newly elected Government of Nikos Christodoulidis will keep the issues of gender equality high on its political agenda", he added.

He said, in addition, that the provision of equal opportunities to men and women at all levels and aspects of public and private life is a fundamental condition for achieving substantial social change and progress.

"As the responsible Minister for Gender Equality issues and in particular for the prevention and combating of violence against women, I express my readiness to immediately promote and implement the first National Strategy and the first National Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Gender-Based Violence which were recently drawn up, with a time horizon of implementation in the five years 2023-2028", he added.

These, the Minister of Justice continued, are documents and policy commitments that aspire to deal holistically and comprehensively with the complex problem of gender-based violence, based on victim-centered approaches, which place women at the center of their reform actions.

"The Government intends to proceed immediately with actions for institutionalizing the institution of the Commissioner for Gender Equality. Targeted actions will also be promoted with the aim of deconstructing outdated social and sexist stereotypes and perceptions that are also the main generative cause of inequalities and discrimination against women", he noted. At the same time, said the Minister of Justice, measures and policies will be promoted with the aim of strengthening women's employment and entrepreneurship, reconciling the gender pay gap and combining women's personal, family and professional obligations.

He also pointed out that the practical strengthening of women in the multiple and often diverse roles they take on at a personal and professional level is the crown of efforts to ensure the quality and standard of their lives and well-being.

"Strengthening the digital skills of women, in a world that is constantly and rapidly evolving technologically, is also a basic pursuit and necessity, as well as achieving a balanced participation of men and women in decision-making positions in the public and political sphere," he added.

As a State, continued the Minister of Justice, "we fully recognize and understand the multiple challenges and difficulties that mothers, workers, unemployed women, single parents, farmers, immigrant women, refugees, asylum seekers, women who are most affected by poverty and social exclusion, the elderly, women with disabilities, women who face discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and women who experience all forms of abuse and violation of their basic human rights" .

He underlined, at the same time, that International Women's Day is not for complacency and wishful thinking, but is a day of gratitude to each woman individually for her struggles and valuable contribution to society.

"On the occasion of International Women's Day, I assure all women again that I will work with the aim of protecting and promoting their rights in a society of equality, inclusion, acceptance of otherness and non-negotiable respect for human rights," he concluded.