He wore a T-shirt that his girlfriend took from him without knowing what he was writing and he pressed it

gvjpo word, t-shirt, insult

Some have to finally stay in the languages ​​they know

How are those who tattoo Chinese ideograms found online and have no idea what they mean?

Well, the guy in our story suffered the same when he wore the white t-shirt with the word "bhenchod" written on his chest.

asked him if he knew what his shirt meant said his ex got it for him and told him it means i love you and i think that's beautiful pic.twitter.com/vun60apFUP

- brohsen (@brohsen) October 30, 2017

A Twitter user saw him on the street and asked him if he knew what it meant. He naturally answered "I love you", said his ex-girlfriend who gave him the T-shirt as a gift. Did she take revenge on him or did she not know?

As we learn from Indian Twitter users, not only does it not express love but it also means something very, very bad in the Indian dialect Punjabi. In a bold translation, he describes the man who goes with his sister!

Twitter went crazy naturally, as those who know the language laughed with their hearts. Let's hope that the guy found out and did not continue to wander around in the blouse…