Putin, Maduro and the Soviet band of the 80s

Putin, Maduro and the ... Soviet band of the 80s

The video that has made a splash on the Internet

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan President played together in a Soviet band Nicolas Maduro in the 80s? Internet users say yes.

A 1987 music video with the song "At the Dawn" by the Russian band "Alliance" has reappeared, showing the four members of the band playing in classic 80s costumes and retro haircuts. The visual material has been shattered, having returned to the news along with its issue Venezuela and the difficult situation in which Maduro finds himself.

According to RT, the music video released on YouTube last year has more than 100.000 views and in addition to those reminiscent of the good old days, many believe they are witnessing an appearance of the two leaders before entering politics.

The band singer and keyboardist seem to have a frightening resemblance to him Putin and Maduro respectively, although in fact the vocals of the band were made by Igor Zhuravlev. The "epic" chimpanzee wearing sunglasses is actually called Oleg Parastaev.