Lotto sat down twice a week

AP 18100404988965 Cities, Australia, LOTTO

He didn't believe in his luck either

While for some it is a dream to win the Lotto even once, for others it seems quite easy to catch it a second time.

This is exactly what happened in Australia, when a super-lucky person won it a second time in five days. He even invested part of the first amount to increase his chances in the second, according to the "Sydney Morning Herald".

The 40-year-old initially won A $ 1 million (€ 630.000) and five days later was one of 14 lucky winners to share A $ 20 million, each earning A $ 1.428.571 (€ 900.000).


The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, said he intends to invest his profits in real estate, wanting to be down to earth and reasonable. Until his second victory, of course, he had bought a car and closed a vacation in Honolulu, that is, he did not exactly stay true to what he said.

As for the agency in which he played the two lucky lottos, he also hit a gold vein, as it is now flooded with customers…