She found Donald Trump in her dog. Ear

AP 17310258318562 Animals

The similarities are more than obvious

How can one find the President of the United States in a four-legged ear? Easily, if you live in the age of the internet.

So this is the famous image that makes the circle of the world, bringing a smile to the lips of Kosmakis.


The photo naturally went viral making both the owner, Jade Robinson, and the four-legged Chief, a two-year-old beagle, celebrities of the electronic world!

If it makes you feel any better this is my pooch who's ears it is and he's called Chief and is adorable!

- Jade Robinson (@ JVR1992) November 5, 2017

However, it seems that Donald is causing problems in the Chief's ear, which is why Jade took the picture. The animal probably has a cyst in its ear and it hurts and the girl is now asking for money to take it to the vet. At least that's what he said to the impressed BBC… Hi guys please donate to my Chiefs just giving page to help find his vet treatment! 💙🐶 - Jade Robinson (@ JVR1992) November 5, 2017

"The photo was taken while the Chief was sleeping, as he does not like to be teased inside his ears. "I swear I zoomed in and out of the photo more than 20 times and never saw Donald Trump," she says.

Here's the pic of Trump in Jade's dog Chief's ear! #TrumpInADogsEar, she's telling us all about it on the show now!

- Steve & Karen (@TheSandK) November 7, 2017

Although she is the only one who does not see the similarities…