This week will be especially positive for 3 lucky signs

The last week of June has just begun and in a few days we will have the New Moon and astrologers estimate that this week will be quite favorable for all the signs and especially for the three signs that are lucky.


According to, the new Moon on the 29th of the month brings great opportunities and new data. Beware of impulsive movements and exaggerations this week will be especially positive for all the signs. Three representatives, however, will be favored more.


You regain your confidence and do not miss the opportunities presented to you. You set new goals and leave behind what weighs on you. Combine your spontaneity and enthusiasm, especially in business and think twice before accepting a job offer. Examine all the parameters before saying "yes" and keep working hard, as your efforts will be recognized soon.

This week you are putting an end to ways of thinking that did not help you, but also situations that were holding you back. Clarify your position and do not be fooled by big words and suggestions. The time for the big change in your life is now. It is up to you to take advantage of it.


This week is very beautiful for you, as you now recognize that you are the one who has to provide solutions to your problems. You have gone through a lot of mental anguish and now that everything seems to be coming to an end you are relaxing.

Your romantic mood is diffuse, especially on the first days of the week and your partner finds this very beautiful. You get along well and express your feelings to each other. You feel optimistic and full of energy to keep going. You do not like it when you just accept the situation as it is, so you take action. The stars favor you, so keep going.


Your day may have started with a little hazy mood, but during the week everything changes. You feel the need to make new beginnings, new activities, new life. Before taking the next step, slow down a bit and think before you make decisions. Give yourself time and you will see that not only will you clarify what to do in stressful situations, but also how to solve them the way you want.