Choose the ideal lipstick according to your zodiac sign


In an article by we read which type and color of lipstick suits each sign depending on the characteristics and peculiarities of each sign, so you can add another criterion that will help you in the search for the ideal lipstick.

Aries is one of the most energetic signs and therefore could not but have a bright color on his lips to represent him. The fiery red of the fire is the ideal shade for the passionate ram.

Taurus is one of the most erotic signs with a strong personality. A lipstick in nude shades of dusty pink will perfectly represent your obsession with your demanding program along with your erotic mood.

The twins would like a shade that can easily be turned into something else depending on your time and mood. An intense coral lipstick can accompany you from the morning hours if you give it a softer shade with a little powder, while with another pass it reveals its fiery moods, making it the ideal shade for the evening.

Cancers want to feel safe and not get out of their comfort zone easily. Nude and brown shades are ideal for you as they will allow you to feel relaxed without causing the looks of your makeup.

Leos are the kings of the zodiac and it is no coincidence that anything that has a glow fits them perfectly. Choose any shade you want but make sure it has a shiny finish and you will see the difference in its appearance.

Virgos are perfectionists and according to this quality they are one of the few zodiac signs that could take off dark lips since only they have the patience to achieve the perfect contour. The dark shades of raspberry are the ideal choice of lipstick for virgins, since among other things they like to follow beauty trends.

Undecided weights have a hard time every time they have to decide which shade of lipstick to choose for their makeup and so the ideal lipstick for them is the one in shades of brown that never disappoints in any look.

Scorpios have the reputation of being heartbreakers and so it is no coincidence that red lipstick always takes their appearance to the next level. A scorpion will feel really charming with this color on the lips, since red is its element.

Strongly perceptive but also with explosive personalities, archers want to attract attention and let them not admit it, however, they prefer to play it safe. Rotten apple is the ideal shade for archers who want to follow trends but in their own way.

Capricorns enjoy being the center of attention but often express their views in a way that looks aggressive. Simple peach nudes are ideal for capricorns to balance the intense character with the sweetness they hide inside.

Aquarius perfectly fits the deep purple shades and this makes perfect sense since the purple color is associated with insight. With so much imagination and inclination towards the arts that Aquarius has, the shades of purple represent them perfectly.

Pisces is one of the most versatile in the zodiac, so what would suit them best is a nude shade in the color of the sand that matches all hours of the day, as you never know where to start and where to end. of the day.